Q1. What is a CID/4DBC?
Card Identification Number (CID/4DBC) is a four digit, non-embossed (flat) number that is printed on the face of every American Express Card.

Q2. Where do I find the CID?
CID is oftentimes located on the right side of embossed account number (15 digit Card Number) on the Face of the Card.In some cards the CID is located on the left side of the Card but is always above the account number. Some Cards have a 4-digit number embossed below the account number. Such number appearing below the account number is not the CID.

Q3. What are the benefits of the CID check?
The CID code adds assurance that the consumer placing the order has access or physical possession of the credit card itself in order to use the CID code. Hence with this feature your card remains secure from the fraudulent use. The CID is an important layer of security to help you reduce your risks in accepting card-Not-Present transactions and may be required or recommended by your payment processor or merchant bank.

Q4. Do I need to intimate/inform you to avail this service?
No. You will have to provide the CID on the website each time you are making the payment for availing the services.

Q5. What if my card doe not have a CID number?
CID is currently supported for all American Express Cards so we have made it mandatory to enter the CID while transacting with us to avail our services.